Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Black Ops M14 Review

M14 Review

It's Wednesday and right about this time is when I'm itching to get back in the killing fields. You see I don't do much playing on Monday and Tuesday. I've gotta try and make some money to pay some bills. So come Wednesday night I've got an itchy trigger finger and I can't wait to get back on and get some face shooting in. That brings me to my next review the M14 semi-automatic assault rifle.

The M14 as I just stated is the first semi-automatic assault rifle (the third) that you come across in the game of Black Ops. It is opened up at level 9 with a purchase price of 2000 COD points. It is a high damage, moderate recoil, mid-long range weapon that comes with a typical COD iron sight. It starts with 60 rounds of ammunition with a 20 round clip. It has a pretty slow reload time just under 3.5 seconds when completely empty but a full second less when not completely empty. It comes with the following attachments, extended mag, acog sight, red dot sight, reflex sight, grip, masterkey, flamethrower, infrared scope, suppressor, and grenade launcher. It does not have the dual mag attachment, however does have the grip as an attachment instead.

What are my thoughts on the M14. This isn't a weapon I use a lot in Black Ops however I did use it sometimes in the first Modern Warfare. That being said this weapon can be very deadly when wielded by an expert. It's advantage are it's damage and good range. It only takes 2 shots to kill at short and medium ranges and 3 at long range. It also has a good clip size so reloading often isn't a priority but I would reload before the clip is empty if possible. Unfortunately if you get in a close range battle especially with someone wielding an SMG then you are more than likely toast however if you happen to get 2 shots off that hit then death they will have. I wouldn't recommend making a living trying this but if you live dangerously, and run around with the M14, then I recommend Study Aim or maybe even Masterkey to beef it up a little. When wielding this gun there also seems to be a lot of flinch when hit, so Hardened Pro helps with this. Often you will be getting into medium and long range battles so reducing flinch will definitely help keep you on target. This gun can be used similar to a sniper rifle with less long range damage however able to send more rounds down towards the target. By adding the acog scope it helps with the recoil thus making it deadly from medium to long range.  The grip is another useful tool if you don't like scopes and want to keep the recoil down this will definitely reduce the recoil and bring the M14 back on target quickly.

If you enjoy mid to long range shooting give the M14 a try and maybe use the following class combinations. If you are more of an SMG run and gun style player this gun is not for you.

Primary: M14
Attachment: Grip or Acog
Secondary: Any

Lethal: Frag or Semtex
Tactical: Flashbang Or Concussion
Equipment: Claymore, Jammer, or Motion Sensor

Perk 1: Ghost or Flak Jacket
Perk 2: Hardened or Warlord
Perk 3: Ninja or Hacker

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Black Ops Tuesday Special Enfield Review

Enfield Assault Rifle

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday and man am I getting to this late so it's going to be short and sweet just how I like em...LOL delirium has definitely set in. I would give a quick rundown of what I've been involved in today but honestly it's rather boring and that's the last thing I want to do. Let's just say it involved transporting a lot of glass, a long way. Besides this is about Black Ops isn't i,t not what I do on a day to day basis.

Alright the second assault rifle in the Black Ops game for multiplayer is the Enfield. It can be purchased at level 5 for 2000 COD points. It is an automatic assault rifle so hold down the trigger and fire away if needed. It has moderate damage, moderate range, moderate rate of fire, and moderate recoil. It's moderate all around. It does however aim down the sight in the same amount of time as an SMG. It is the only assault rifle to do so which makes it faster than all other assault rifles when aiming down the sight. It starts with 90 rounds of ammunition with a 30 round clip, 45 with extended mags. It does have a slow reload time, 3 full seconds when empty. This makes sleight of hand a valuable perk when using the Enfield.

As with the other assault rifles the Enfield has an array of attachments that can be used. They are the extended mag, dual mag, acog sight called the SUSAT,  red dot sight, reflex sight, masterkey, flame thrower, infrared scope (the recoil level is unaffected by the enhanced zoom), suppressor, and grenade launcher.

So what's the verdict on the Enfield. I personally like this weapon especially in the early stages of multiplayer. Is it the best assault rifle, probably not but overall it's a pretty good automatic weapon to start with. Being pretty much moderate in all of it's stats makes it a safe weapon to use on just about any board even the smaller boards with it's quick ADS feature where smg's often rule. I still would recommend medium size to large though due to it's moderate rate of fire. It is not exceptionally strong in any category but really only weak in one, reload time. I still see people using this gun even after there are other guns available so it definitely has some fans.

My recommendation for an Enfield class would be the following:

Primary: Enfield
Attachment: Red Dot or Reflex Sight, With Warlord Extended Mag and Red Dot Sight
Secondary: Any Pistol or Launcher

Lethal: Any
Tactical: Any

Perk 1:  Scavenger or Flak Jacket
Perk 2: Sleight of Hand or Warlord
Perk 3: Hacker or Second Chance

Monday, March 28, 2011

Black Ops Monday Madness M16 Gun Review

Uggghhh Has anyone ever said this to you? "Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays." (or something close to it) Your response should always be the following. No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.  Yeah it doesn't make much sense to respond this way but it will make you feel better and it comes from a great classic movie. Needless to say after the long rainy weekend I'm back. It was a rough weekend I just got a PS3 las Monday to go along with my XBOX and Wii, of course the only game I currently have on it is Black Ops. I spent most of this weekend cussing out the lag I kept getting for online multiplayer. The worst part is it happened mostly when I would engage in a fire fight with someone and guess who lost that battle more often than guessed it...this guy...grrr! I went a few rounds on my XBOX with no lag, no problems whatsoever. Needless to say I was rather frustrated. I believe I have it fixed somewhat but it is still not quite as clean as my XBOX Live! Unfortunately most of my friends that play are on the PS3 network so this is where I want to play. Anyone out there with a real good fix that doesn't require deleting your friends I'm all ears.

Anyway since this is a new blog and there are plenty of actual reviews on Black Ops out there, again this is strictly my thoughts along with friends I play with a lot of the time on xbox and the ps3. Everyone has different strategies, likes, dislikes, preferences, and opinions on all aspects of Black Ops including most of the people I play with. The goal here is to make everyone a better player and maybe have you or me for that matter, try something or do something that they may not have thought of. In the end though it's all about enjoyment, and for most the enjoyment comes from well Duh "Winning". How do you win...get more kills, get less deaths. The reviews I'm doing are from my experience in what I see when playing, and in the end my opinion. Feel free to post your opinion or thoughts as to what you read or anything related to the game in general. Never stop learning it will only help.

M16 Assault Rifle
Ahh the good old M16. This is your default class weapon for assault rifles. This is a gun that some people love and some people loathe. I myself tend to lean more towards the love side although for a 3 round burst gun I like the G11 a little better. Nonetheless some fast statistics. It's a 3 round burst assault rifle with good power, excellent medium, and good long range kill potential. In close range battle though you'd better hope you get off the first shot and get a direct hit or you're probably in trouble especially against a submachine gun. It carries a 30 round clip with 90 rounds available. The M16 has low recoil, pretty good penetration, with a relatively slow reload time (it's a little faster if your clip isn't fully empty). The main downfall is the delay between bursts especially for short range battle. It comes with a decent set of iron sights and has multiple attachments that can be used (ext mag, dual mag, acog sight, red dot, reflex sight, masterkey, flamethrower, infrared scope, suppresor, and every noobs favorit the grenade launcher) which can enhance the the M16 in a variety of ways. All in all the M16 is a relatively slow weapon in a lot of categories..also being an assault rifle it is heavy so your movement is slow, however for what it lacks in speed it makes up for in power and distance.

So what's my opinion. I personally like the M16 but you need to know how to use it and when to use it. That means use it on bigger boards, Array, Berlin Wall, Discovery, Radiation, Cracked, you get the idea not saying it can't be used on the medium and smaller boards...but try using it on Nuketown, Summit, or firing Range and you may have mixed luck. The advantage you have with the M16 is on the bigger boards you can shoot people from medium to long distances and get kills due to it's power and accuracy. You may need to good shots from long distance but due to it's low recoil it's not too hard to accomplish. Unless you are going against a g11, another M16, or a sniper rifle then if you get in a longe range battle you should win more often than not (getting off the first shot always helps too). Now that being said the M16 does take some skill to use due to it's burst fire and delay between shots, but if you practice with it you can be deadly especially on the bigger boards. Yes I know it's a camping weapon but that's what it's made's not a run and gun weapon so don't worry about what other's say, they are just mad you killed them.

M16 recommendations: Try a few of these combinations..they seem to work well when I use the M16

Primary: M16
Attachment: Dual Mag, Red Dot or Reflex Sight, Suppressor(although I don't use much) and yes noob lovers the stick/Grenade Launcher
Secondary: Law/Strela-3
Lethal: Frag/Semtex
Tactical: Any and use them to slow closer enemies down will help you get a shot or 2 off
Equipment: Highly recommend Motion Sensor, or Claymore

Perk 1: Ghost/Ghost Pro
Perk 2: Hardened/Hardened Pro (I've gotten many kills shooting through walls by looking at location on my Hud) It also helps with reduced flinch for the Pro when shot so for medium and long range battles it really helps. Sleight of Hand/Sleight of Hand Pro (especially helps with increased speed of aiming down the sight)
Perk 3: Hacker/Hacker Pro or Ninja/Ninja Pro

That's my thoughts on the M16 CO BlackOps, definitely in my opinion a deadly weapon if used correctly!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Black Ops Tip of the Day Friday!

It's Friday you get home from school, or like me get off work. You grab a bag of Cheetos and a 2 liter of Mountain Dew. Your goal in mind for the next 3-5 hours is to do nothing but lose yourself in the world of online gaming and maybe to intake an insane amount of sugar. You fire up your Xbox or PS3 and throw in COD Black Ops. You can't wait to get logged in to start the mayhem.

You log into team deathmatch, it's the most popular form of game on Black Ops and in most gamer's mind the best way to play and the most fun. You start off alright get 2 kills then a death, then another death, you spawn see someone, start shooting but someone shoots you from behind before you get the kill grrr another death. Now you start getting frustrated go on tilt and start running around like a mad man...deaths stack up and when all the bleeding stops you've got a 6-16 game on your hands. That's six kills sixteen DEATHS...not how you planned on starting this off. Now you have a choice. You continue your frustration let it boil over and watch the deaths mount up gamer after game until you chug the 2 liter of Dew in a boiled over sugar loaded rampage.  Don't worry I've been there, in fact we all have, and I'm sure as a result  many controllers have taken the brunt of our's the controller's fault isn't it! I call it going on Gamer Tilt just like a Poker Player Gamer's can also go on tilt. Here's my advice...

RELAX TAKE YOUR TIME! Black Ops is a fast paced game so that's how we play it. Often we get moving so fast that we basically are running around aimlessly as easykill for the other team. You need to understand that while Black Ops and any first person shooter for that matter is often fast paced you will be much more succesful by following this simple me. You don't have to get 20 kills in 2 minutes just like you don't have to go all in on every pot. Succesful players use the tactics they are good at, the tools they are given, and most importantly they are always relaxed. To get to 20, 30, or even 40 kills in game of team deathmatch it's 1 kill at a time. Yes it is possible to get 40 kills in a game of team deathmatch, I've gotten 44 and I don't even play as often as a lot of people. The reason is because I've learned over the years of playing COD to take my time and relax.

Now what do I mean by taking your time. I know what your thinking...Workdaddy you're a friggin camper aren't you. Not really I tend to move around more than sit in one place, especially since one of my favorite guns is the AK74U...hard to camp with that. What I mean is relax if and when you get killed (and you will) ,don't go off on an enraged revenge mission. Relax and Focus on that moment in the game. Beware of your surroundings, use the tools you have like your HUD,  most importantly stay calm and take your time. You don't have to run around and seek out kills. If you take your time and move around with a purpose believe me the kills will come to you. By staying calm and taking your time you will react quicker in battle situations, be able to use your tools more accurately, get more killstreaks, and ultimately more kills. Let other noobs or players go on tilt, you take the advantage and get the kills. Trust me on this it may seem trivial but when playing Black Ops it's absolutely necessary. If you want to see the 6-16 turn into 16-6, 20-5, get the picture, then this is a critical part of your play.

Don't let this be you!

Gun class to try: As I stated above one of my favorite guns is the AK74u . Try this class and see what you think.

Primary: AK74u
Attachment: Rapid Fire
Secondary: CZ75
Attachment: Full Auto Upgrade

Perk 1: Ghost Pro/Lightweight Pro I like either
Perk 2: Sleight Of Hand Pro
Perk 3: Hacker Pro

Lethal and Tactical are at your discretion I recommend claymore for the Equipment...drop it down somewhere and let it do it's work.

Good luck this weekend shooters...see you In The Zone!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Black Ops Review Introduction

Welcome to COD Black Ops Review. Today I am giving you a quick overview and some basic information of the game Black Ops. In case you aren't sure COD stands for Call of Duty, however if you are reading this then I'm sure you are well aware of that. I will be reviewing different aspects of Black Ops on an ongoing basis in the future since the content of the game is massive and I don't want you to have to read a book about it immediately. This will just give you a quick basic guide of what Black Ops is, and the different ways to play. My primary focus in the will be reviewing the Online Multiplayer World with reviews on the Game Types, Maps, Perks, Class Creations, killstreaks and everyones' favorites...the GUNS!! I will also provide tips, techniques, and strategy I've found while playing Black OPS and the COD series for the XBOX and PS3. If you have strategies, tips, or fun class creations of your own I welcome comments.

So quickly about Black Ops. Released in late 2010 by Treyarch/Activision it is a first person shooter for the Xbox, PS3, Wii, as well as the PC. On it's release date November 9th 2010 it again took the COD series to new heights with an opening day record of 5.6 million units sold, which resulted in approximately $360 million in sales. Black Ops is well on it's way to being the best selling video game of all time.

Black Ops has 3 main ways to play. Campaign mode which takes you through the story line created for Black Ops mission by mission. There is the ever popular Multiplayer Mode which often is the only reason people buy the COD games. If you have never played any of the COD games online and you have purchased Black Ops I highly recommend giving it a try. You can get together with a group of friends, create a Party, chat and play games together. It is a lot of fun and you get to play alongside your friends and even meet new friends along the way. For some this is the only way to play. There is also the Zombies mode which is also a lot of fun. The object is simple if you've played Zombie games before. Survive wave after wave of Zombie, build up cash, upgrade your weapons, open doors and try to stay alive. There are some interesting characters thrown in along the way monkees included. Multiplayer can sometimes get frustrating so Zombies is a great way to blow off some steam. Treyarch has since released a new map pack that added 4 new maps to online multiplayer as well as an additional map to Zombies.

So what's the verdict on Black Ops. Well in my opinion it is a great addition to an already fantastic series of video games. I have a blast playing it. Is it better than the highly touted Modern Warfare 2? That remains to be seen and only time will tell. I think there will be players on both sides of the fence regarding that argument. The good thing is it brings a few new things to the table, while keeping a lot of what MW2 did right, thus making for an enjoyable experience all around. Everyone will have their own opinion on Black Ops, but from what I see on a day to day basis, people are playing and playing a lot. So if you already own the game I look forward to hearing from you or seeing you online, if not rent it or better yet buy it! If you liked the previos installments this one won't disappoint.

To all the Black Ops players out there, good luck Noobs and experienced shooters alike and I will see you in the zone!

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