Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Black Ops Tuesday Special Enfield Review

Enfield Assault Rifle

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday and man am I getting to this late so it's going to be short and sweet just how I like em...LOL delirium has definitely set in. I would give a quick rundown of what I've been involved in today but honestly it's rather boring and that's the last thing I want to do. Let's just say it involved transporting a lot of glass, a long way. Besides this is about Black Ops isn't i,t not what I do on a day to day basis.

Alright the second assault rifle in the Black Ops game for multiplayer is the Enfield. It can be purchased at level 5 for 2000 COD points. It is an automatic assault rifle so hold down the trigger and fire away if needed. It has moderate damage, moderate range, moderate rate of fire, and moderate recoil. It's moderate all around. It does however aim down the sight in the same amount of time as an SMG. It is the only assault rifle to do so which makes it faster than all other assault rifles when aiming down the sight. It starts with 90 rounds of ammunition with a 30 round clip, 45 with extended mags. It does have a slow reload time, 3 full seconds when empty. This makes sleight of hand a valuable perk when using the Enfield.

As with the other assault rifles the Enfield has an array of attachments that can be used. They are the extended mag, dual mag, acog sight called the SUSAT,  red dot sight, reflex sight, masterkey, flame thrower, infrared scope (the recoil level is unaffected by the enhanced zoom), suppressor, and grenade launcher.

So what's the verdict on the Enfield. I personally like this weapon especially in the early stages of multiplayer. Is it the best assault rifle, probably not but overall it's a pretty good automatic weapon to start with. Being pretty much moderate in all of it's stats makes it a safe weapon to use on just about any board even the smaller boards with it's quick ADS feature where smg's often rule. I still would recommend medium size to large though due to it's moderate rate of fire. It is not exceptionally strong in any category but really only weak in one, reload time. I still see people using this gun even after there are other guns available so it definitely has some fans.

My recommendation for an Enfield class would be the following:

Primary: Enfield
Attachment: Red Dot or Reflex Sight, With Warlord Extended Mag and Red Dot Sight
Secondary: Any Pistol or Launcher

Lethal: Any
Tactical: Any

Perk 1:  Scavenger or Flak Jacket
Perk 2: Sleight of Hand or Warlord
Perk 3: Hacker or Second Chance

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