Monday, March 28, 2011

Black Ops Monday Madness M16 Gun Review

Uggghhh Has anyone ever said this to you? "Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays." (or something close to it) Your response should always be the following. No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.  Yeah it doesn't make much sense to respond this way but it will make you feel better and it comes from a great classic movie. Needless to say after the long rainy weekend I'm back. It was a rough weekend I just got a PS3 las Monday to go along with my XBOX and Wii, of course the only game I currently have on it is Black Ops. I spent most of this weekend cussing out the lag I kept getting for online multiplayer. The worst part is it happened mostly when I would engage in a fire fight with someone and guess who lost that battle more often than guessed it...this guy...grrr! I went a few rounds on my XBOX with no lag, no problems whatsoever. Needless to say I was rather frustrated. I believe I have it fixed somewhat but it is still not quite as clean as my XBOX Live! Unfortunately most of my friends that play are on the PS3 network so this is where I want to play. Anyone out there with a real good fix that doesn't require deleting your friends I'm all ears.

Anyway since this is a new blog and there are plenty of actual reviews on Black Ops out there, again this is strictly my thoughts along with friends I play with a lot of the time on xbox and the ps3. Everyone has different strategies, likes, dislikes, preferences, and opinions on all aspects of Black Ops including most of the people I play with. The goal here is to make everyone a better player and maybe have you or me for that matter, try something or do something that they may not have thought of. In the end though it's all about enjoyment, and for most the enjoyment comes from well Duh "Winning". How do you win...get more kills, get less deaths. The reviews I'm doing are from my experience in what I see when playing, and in the end my opinion. Feel free to post your opinion or thoughts as to what you read or anything related to the game in general. Never stop learning it will only help.

M16 Assault Rifle
Ahh the good old M16. This is your default class weapon for assault rifles. This is a gun that some people love and some people loathe. I myself tend to lean more towards the love side although for a 3 round burst gun I like the G11 a little better. Nonetheless some fast statistics. It's a 3 round burst assault rifle with good power, excellent medium, and good long range kill potential. In close range battle though you'd better hope you get off the first shot and get a direct hit or you're probably in trouble especially against a submachine gun. It carries a 30 round clip with 90 rounds available. The M16 has low recoil, pretty good penetration, with a relatively slow reload time (it's a little faster if your clip isn't fully empty). The main downfall is the delay between bursts especially for short range battle. It comes with a decent set of iron sights and has multiple attachments that can be used (ext mag, dual mag, acog sight, red dot, reflex sight, masterkey, flamethrower, infrared scope, suppresor, and every noobs favorit the grenade launcher) which can enhance the the M16 in a variety of ways. All in all the M16 is a relatively slow weapon in a lot of categories..also being an assault rifle it is heavy so your movement is slow, however for what it lacks in speed it makes up for in power and distance.

So what's my opinion. I personally like the M16 but you need to know how to use it and when to use it. That means use it on bigger boards, Array, Berlin Wall, Discovery, Radiation, Cracked, you get the idea not saying it can't be used on the medium and smaller boards...but try using it on Nuketown, Summit, or firing Range and you may have mixed luck. The advantage you have with the M16 is on the bigger boards you can shoot people from medium to long distances and get kills due to it's power and accuracy. You may need to good shots from long distance but due to it's low recoil it's not too hard to accomplish. Unless you are going against a g11, another M16, or a sniper rifle then if you get in a longe range battle you should win more often than not (getting off the first shot always helps too). Now that being said the M16 does take some skill to use due to it's burst fire and delay between shots, but if you practice with it you can be deadly especially on the bigger boards. Yes I know it's a camping weapon but that's what it's made's not a run and gun weapon so don't worry about what other's say, they are just mad you killed them.

M16 recommendations: Try a few of these combinations..they seem to work well when I use the M16

Primary: M16
Attachment: Dual Mag, Red Dot or Reflex Sight, Suppressor(although I don't use much) and yes noob lovers the stick/Grenade Launcher
Secondary: Law/Strela-3
Lethal: Frag/Semtex
Tactical: Any and use them to slow closer enemies down will help you get a shot or 2 off
Equipment: Highly recommend Motion Sensor, or Claymore

Perk 1: Ghost/Ghost Pro
Perk 2: Hardened/Hardened Pro (I've gotten many kills shooting through walls by looking at location on my Hud) It also helps with reduced flinch for the Pro when shot so for medium and long range battles it really helps. Sleight of Hand/Sleight of Hand Pro (especially helps with increased speed of aiming down the sight)
Perk 3: Hacker/Hacker Pro or Ninja/Ninja Pro

That's my thoughts on the M16 CO BlackOps, definitely in my opinion a deadly weapon if used correctly!

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