Friday, March 25, 2011

Black Ops Tip of the Day Friday!

It's Friday you get home from school, or like me get off work. You grab a bag of Cheetos and a 2 liter of Mountain Dew. Your goal in mind for the next 3-5 hours is to do nothing but lose yourself in the world of online gaming and maybe to intake an insane amount of sugar. You fire up your Xbox or PS3 and throw in COD Black Ops. You can't wait to get logged in to start the mayhem.

You log into team deathmatch, it's the most popular form of game on Black Ops and in most gamer's mind the best way to play and the most fun. You start off alright get 2 kills then a death, then another death, you spawn see someone, start shooting but someone shoots you from behind before you get the kill grrr another death. Now you start getting frustrated go on tilt and start running around like a mad man...deaths stack up and when all the bleeding stops you've got a 6-16 game on your hands. That's six kills sixteen DEATHS...not how you planned on starting this off. Now you have a choice. You continue your frustration let it boil over and watch the deaths mount up gamer after game until you chug the 2 liter of Dew in a boiled over sugar loaded rampage.  Don't worry I've been there, in fact we all have, and I'm sure as a result  many controllers have taken the brunt of our's the controller's fault isn't it! I call it going on Gamer Tilt just like a Poker Player Gamer's can also go on tilt. Here's my advice...

RELAX TAKE YOUR TIME! Black Ops is a fast paced game so that's how we play it. Often we get moving so fast that we basically are running around aimlessly as easykill for the other team. You need to understand that while Black Ops and any first person shooter for that matter is often fast paced you will be much more succesful by following this simple me. You don't have to get 20 kills in 2 minutes just like you don't have to go all in on every pot. Succesful players use the tactics they are good at, the tools they are given, and most importantly they are always relaxed. To get to 20, 30, or even 40 kills in game of team deathmatch it's 1 kill at a time. Yes it is possible to get 40 kills in a game of team deathmatch, I've gotten 44 and I don't even play as often as a lot of people. The reason is because I've learned over the years of playing COD to take my time and relax.

Now what do I mean by taking your time. I know what your thinking...Workdaddy you're a friggin camper aren't you. Not really I tend to move around more than sit in one place, especially since one of my favorite guns is the AK74U...hard to camp with that. What I mean is relax if and when you get killed (and you will) ,don't go off on an enraged revenge mission. Relax and Focus on that moment in the game. Beware of your surroundings, use the tools you have like your HUD,  most importantly stay calm and take your time. You don't have to run around and seek out kills. If you take your time and move around with a purpose believe me the kills will come to you. By staying calm and taking your time you will react quicker in battle situations, be able to use your tools more accurately, get more killstreaks, and ultimately more kills. Let other noobs or players go on tilt, you take the advantage and get the kills. Trust me on this it may seem trivial but when playing Black Ops it's absolutely necessary. If you want to see the 6-16 turn into 16-6, 20-5, get the picture, then this is a critical part of your play.

Don't let this be you!

Gun class to try: As I stated above one of my favorite guns is the AK74u . Try this class and see what you think.

Primary: AK74u
Attachment: Rapid Fire
Secondary: CZ75
Attachment: Full Auto Upgrade

Perk 1: Ghost Pro/Lightweight Pro I like either
Perk 2: Sleight Of Hand Pro
Perk 3: Hacker Pro

Lethal and Tactical are at your discretion I recommend claymore for the Equipment...drop it down somewhere and let it do it's work.

Good luck this weekend shooters...see you In The Zone!

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