Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Black Ops M14 Review

M14 Review

It's Wednesday and right about this time is when I'm itching to get back in the killing fields. You see I don't do much playing on Monday and Tuesday. I've gotta try and make some money to pay some bills. So come Wednesday night I've got an itchy trigger finger and I can't wait to get back on and get some face shooting in. That brings me to my next review the M14 semi-automatic assault rifle.

The M14 as I just stated is the first semi-automatic assault rifle (the third) that you come across in the game of Black Ops. It is opened up at level 9 with a purchase price of 2000 COD points. It is a high damage, moderate recoil, mid-long range weapon that comes with a typical COD iron sight. It starts with 60 rounds of ammunition with a 20 round clip. It has a pretty slow reload time just under 3.5 seconds when completely empty but a full second less when not completely empty. It comes with the following attachments, extended mag, acog sight, red dot sight, reflex sight, grip, masterkey, flamethrower, infrared scope, suppressor, and grenade launcher. It does not have the dual mag attachment, however does have the grip as an attachment instead.

What are my thoughts on the M14. This isn't a weapon I use a lot in Black Ops however I did use it sometimes in the first Modern Warfare. That being said this weapon can be very deadly when wielded by an expert. It's advantage are it's damage and good range. It only takes 2 shots to kill at short and medium ranges and 3 at long range. It also has a good clip size so reloading often isn't a priority but I would reload before the clip is empty if possible. Unfortunately if you get in a close range battle especially with someone wielding an SMG then you are more than likely toast however if you happen to get 2 shots off that hit then death they will have. I wouldn't recommend making a living trying this but if you live dangerously, and run around with the M14, then I recommend Study Aim or maybe even Masterkey to beef it up a little. When wielding this gun there also seems to be a lot of flinch when hit, so Hardened Pro helps with this. Often you will be getting into medium and long range battles so reducing flinch will definitely help keep you on target. This gun can be used similar to a sniper rifle with less long range damage however able to send more rounds down towards the target. By adding the acog scope it helps with the recoil thus making it deadly from medium to long range.  The grip is another useful tool if you don't like scopes and want to keep the recoil down this will definitely reduce the recoil and bring the M14 back on target quickly.

If you enjoy mid to long range shooting give the M14 a try and maybe use the following class combinations. If you are more of an SMG run and gun style player this gun is not for you.

Primary: M14
Attachment: Grip or Acog
Secondary: Any

Lethal: Frag or Semtex
Tactical: Flashbang Or Concussion
Equipment: Claymore, Jammer, or Motion Sensor

Perk 1: Ghost or Flak Jacket
Perk 2: Hardened or Warlord
Perk 3: Ninja or Hacker

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